6) http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/language-games/paint-the-words/fruit-and-vegetables
MATERIAL AND ACTIVITIES1) Comparative short adjectives:
3) Comparative long adjectives:
4) Exercises:
5) Exercises: http://www.eflnet.com/grammar/compadj.php
Complete the listening worksheet and send it to:
1) Download the worksheet:http://www.mediafire.com/?s2f7pzy2f9jw597
2) Download the audio: http://www.mediafire.com/?t9a3hh5t1sofhp3
At Home - Video
Virtual House
House - Flashcards
House - Flashcards 2
Our House
House - Crossword
Rooms Game
Bedroom Game
Design a Room
Home Appliances
Parts of The House
Prepositions Quiz
1) Go to : http://www.mediafire.com/?ejjqlfkj4ywn8wr
a) Go to:
b) Select ONE section (one text) and make a WORD MAP in MICROSOFT WORD format-
c) Send the presentation to: st.luis.english.program@gmail.com

1) Who is it ?
Read the description and find who it is.
2) Look at the pictures and choose the correct form to finish the sentences
Watch the video...
5) Practice
MONSTERS (1st part)
7) MONSTERS (2nd part)
- 4) Listening
2) The story of Quinine: http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/short-stories/the-story-quinine
3) Online activity "The Story of Quinine": http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/en/language-games/order-the-sentences/the-story-quinine
Book Page: 33
Listening exercises Nº 4 - 5
FINAL CHECK (Homework)
Listening exercises - Book page Nº 22
Activities Nº 1, 2, 3, 4
FINAL CHECK (Homework)
Listening exercises - Book page Nº 22
Activities Nº 1, 2, 3
Video with examples, explanations, and exercises:
Games to practice colors, numbers, classroom objects, etc.
Today, the sailing ships are finally in Valparaíso. I made this video so as to show you guys some images of them. As you probably already know, this thursday, we are going to visit these ships at the port so as to get the necessary information about them in order to share it with your classmates.
Some of you have been selected to join me in this visit; so be ready for this experience!!!.
I'll be waiting for you tomorrow (a meeting has been arranged to inform the details at 13:00 hrs)
Here, there is also a picture of the participating sailing ships, including name, country, and homeport, so take a look of it to be up-to-date.
The sailing ships that participate in this International maritime encounter are the most representative vessels of their respective countries and a part of the citizen’s conscience. The nautical parade will give the community a unique opportunity to know a little more about the naval history of these countries.
This story narrates the origin of one of the most popular festivities around the world, "Christmas".
- Related to the last Holy Week actvities -
In order to practice for the upcoming test:
Listen to this story any time you like (Until you comprehend the most of it)
Take notes of what you understand (main idea(s), and some specific aspects).
Send your notes to st.luis.english.program@gmail.com (microsoft word format)
You will get some extra points for the next test.
Pay attention to this video. This teacher talks about the things she likes doing in her free time and how she shares these activities or points of view with her students.
Watch it and try to get the general idea of what she explains.
Take notes of some especific aspects ( She likes......., She loves ........., etc)
Watch it any time you like until you understand it.
Don't watch the second part of the video until you are ready to check your notes
Test: April 16th
This is for everyone who wants to get - 1 POINT - in the next English Test.
Below, there is a link that leads you to a reading text.
1) Translate the text and send it to: st.luis.english.program@gmail.com
( microsoft word format)
1) you can work in pairs or individually
2) if there are 2 similar or equal translations you will be desqualified.
3) Dead line (date): 17th April
Do your best to WIN !!!
The winner will be the one who gets the closest translation of the text (in meaning and context) and will be announced during the corresponding week in the English class