Book Page: 33
Listening exercises Nº 4 - 5
no entendi el ejecicio 2 ni el 3
Profesor, no entendi el item 2 y 3 de la pagina 32.
al parecer parece que yo tampoco pero al parecer parece que luego si lo entendi jajajaja.
no entendi el ejercicio 7 parte b . no se que hacer
1) In exercise Nº 2 you have to find sentences in the text that support those stattements ( example: Laura and Sandra like the same animal = They like dogs)
2)In exercise Nº 3 you have to write the name of the best cyber friend for Laura and give some extra information to support your choice.
(The best E-mail pal is..........)
3)Nº 7 b = write your age (example: I'm 10 years old)
I hope this has helped you guys...
Gracias Profesor...
June 12, 2010 at 11:35 AM
no se entiende mucho pero igual